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The Sophomore Advisory Day!

Advisory days are always a good idea. Nobody passes up an opportunity to skip a normal school day and spend a fun day with their classmates. This time, the sophomore advisory day took the students to different places. While some enjoyed watching movies and going bowling in malls, others went to the Mtatsminda amusement park and explored the attractions.

On April 25th, after two regular lessons, alongside the teachers, a group of students took the school bus to the Funicular and from there went up to the theme park. From the moment they got in the bus, everybody started having a blast. The students sang and danced on their way and after finally reaching the destination, they went straight to the attractions. One of the students who took part in this outing, Anna Akhaladze, a tenth grader, talked about her experience:

"The trip was VERY fun, everyone had an amazing time. It was especially great that so many of us went together, including other grades, all of us blended together during the excursion. Though at first we were concerned about the weather and weren’t sure if the day would work out, everything turned out in the end and it was a success. The teachers also went on the attractions together with us, the students, which made the day even more exciting. The purpose of the trip was definitely fulfilled and I hope that we’re going to have more days like this, especially now, as it gets more warm."

Another sophomore student, Tasia Kurdghelia from Ms. Eka Gordeziani’s advisory, talked about her trip, where together with another class she went to the City Mall:

Our trip was a fun one, as well. We first ate when we got there and then went straight to bowling, where we played a lot and had fun. Finally, those of us who wanted to, saw a movie. Overall, it was a great bonding experience for all of us, not only with other students, but teachers as well. Since many other advisories were at City Mall as well, we had a lot of fun spending time with each other and doing different activities. I think having these advisory days twice a year is a great idea since it helps students get to know each other and take a break from the mundane school routine.

After leaving the City Mall and Mtatsminda park, the students were tired, but happy. They walked, talked a lot and spent an amazing time together, and not even the thought that they had to get home and do homework for the next day ruined their experience. Everyone made great memories, as they always do on such trips. This excursion was a success and we strongly encourage everyone never miss such days, because it never disappoints!

Edited by Anna-Maria Kand

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