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The Vashlovani Project

If you are interested in studying archeology, geography, science, and nature, then The Vashlovani Project is for you! The Vashlovani Project by the biology teacher Nia Chachiashvili is about researching and studying Dedoplistskaro ethnically and historically. The Vashlovani project's goal is to popularize the diversity of Vashlovani and write a research paper. Due to all the hard work required in the club, 0.5 credit is offered at the end. Two weeks ago, the group went on a trip to Vashlovani, where they had the opportunity to explore the sight themselves. We interviewed the sophomore, Anano Mrelashvili, and asked juniors to share their thoughts about the project.

Interviewer: How much time is required to spend on this project to be a successful group member? How often are the sessions held?

Anano: A member should spend at least a year on Vashlovani's research project to be successful. We have already fulfilled several steps—for example, an introduction from the universities of America and a trip to Vashlovani. The next step will be individual meetings with the teacher, which will be in November. Finally, at the end of the school year, we will write a paper regarding the Vashlovani project.

Interviewer: Last week, your group visited Vashlovani. Tell us about the trip.

Anano: Our trip to Vashlovani lasted approximately eleven hours. First, we explored the land and discovered different ceramics, stones, and obsidians. Then we visited Vashlovani's museum, where we learned about the flora and fauna of Vashlovani. We saw other pictures and even learned about the sounds the animals make. Finally, we climbed up the mountains, which was hard as there were plants with thorns. When we went up, everything was covered in mist. We heard the echoes of our sounds, which was pretty fun.

Interviewer: Thank you, Anano!

The juniors, Shoti Sikharulidze and Lile Tsitskishvili, also shared their views regarding the project. According to Shoti, his favorite part was seeing the eagles on the hills in Arwivi Valley, "we observed how they went hunting and then returned to their nests. It was amazing to see how huge they were. They are approximately one meter tall and appear huge, especially with their wings branched out." Shoti adds that he "met new interesting people. Since we spent the whole day together doing various activities and joking around with each other, I also had the opportunity to get to know my classmates better." Even though the students learned a lot and had fun, Shoti clarifies that "being a part of this club can be time-consuming."

Lile Tsitskishvili also shared her experience: "Even though it was raining hard, I think all of us had fun and found it interesting." According to Lile, "The highlight of the trip was the Eagle Gorge. We struggled to walk up the hill because of the fog, but after some time, a gorgeous sight spread throughout: the Eagle Gorge. As we arrived, the fog went away, and we faced a huge cliff. One of the members just randomly shouted and after 5 seconds, the sound came back crystal clear. We were all so surprised because of the echo. Then, we all went silent and waited for the gyps to arrive." When asked if she would recommend her peers to join, Lile said, "I would definitely recommend others to participate in the project, but only if they are willing to contribute to the study. If anyone is willing to learn how scientific research is conducted and help to popularize the diversity of Vashlovani, you're welcome to the project."

Overall, the trip proved to be successful, with all the students enjoying their experience. It was both educational and fun, and the group got to explore and learn about various aspects of Vashlovani. Although it has become clear that it is not an easy task, this project is definitely worth the time and effort!

Edited by: Nitsa Saakashvili

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