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Desha Chokoshvili

Juniors: transition from chemistry to physics

The second semester of this school year has started, and all the high schoolers are switching between different subjects. As it is custom, the juniors just finished their year of learning chemistry and are moving on to physics! This turned out to be quite an exciting change for them, so the 11th graders and Miss Tamar Mamulashvili were asked to summarize their two semesters together and talk about their expectations for the new subject.

Firstly, two junior students were interviewed, Nina Aladashvili and Giorgi Kakhiani. Nina mentioned that for her, this course was generally fun and interesting. Even though sometimes her grades weren’t perfect, she understood the material that they had studied. She mentioned that what made chemistry fun and easy was the teacher always explaining what a specific topic meant, even if it was not easy from the beginning. Giorgi also agrees with Nina and says that at the beginning, the course seemed hard, but they slowly started to get the hang of it, and quickly became a fun subject. Both of them mentioned the only problem they had with the chemistry course which is the frequency of the quizzes and tests. Nina says: “Sometimes, the questions were too difficult even when I revised everything!”; Giorgi adds: “Even though it pushed us to learn every day, sometimes it could be a little tiring.”. Physics is junior's new subject that they haven’t studied since freshman year! Nina mentioned that she came to this school and began to love a subject she used to hate, which is, in fact, physics. She mentions that physics is one of the interesting subjects that requires a lot of logical thinking and work, which is, of course, possible with dedication. “I have high expectations for the physics course this year for myself, and I hope I'll be able to meet them. The teacher seems very pleasant to work with already.”

Other than the students, chemistry teacher Mrs. Tamar Mamulashvili summed up the chemistry course:

"It was not an easy year, nor was the process easy - we started our work last year in the middle of the Covid pandemic, and thus, like all other classes, we had substantially less class time. However, thanks to the good work of most of the students, we could cover almost all essential topics of general, inorganic, and physical chemistry.

The final results of our mutual work are satisfying, although not as thorough and comprehensive as in the years before pandemics, which, I think, is absolutely logical and natural. What I find important and am sure about is that the absolute majority of the students have gained enough background and study skills to be successful and enjoy their physics course now, and this is my wish for all of them!"

Let’s hope juniors enjoyed this semester of chemistry and wish them an amazing second semester with physics!

Edited by: Zura Gigineishvili

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Ekaterine Dadiani
Ekaterine Dadiani
Feb 09, 2023


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