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The New Vending Machine

Mamuka Zodelava

On Friday, April 8th, a surprise for every GZAAT student was awaiting in the cafeteria. It was a vending machine that has been promised to students for quite some time. But the wait had its own reasons discussed later in the article. Vending machine seems to be a great, partial replacement for the cafeteria that is currently unavailable due to Covid pandemic situation.

Before the vending machine was placed in our cafeteria, it had a long way to go as a machine and as an idea as well. Vice president of 10th grade, Zura Gigineishvili, who took part in this process tells Gazette everything about the process of getting vending machines to school, as well as about the idea and how it was born and developed. “The idea was born long before we brought it into action. It was the class president’s idea. It was a great idea and I approved it right away, but at the same time it was the Covid outbreak period, especially in our class. So, we were like: yes, it is a very good idea but Mr. Cruz will probably not let us make this considering the current situation. We had a student council meeting and the director of the school told us that he was not going to open any sorts of lunch facilities because of the high numbers of Covid-19 infections. So, we had to hold back on our idea for a while. But then, as the pandemic situation improved this idea resurfaced just some time ago. We again asked Mr. Cruz for permission, and this time got an approval. We ordered the vending machine and that’s probably where things would have gotten a happy ending… But no. During the first transportation of the vending machine, it broke, and this was probably the hardest problem we faced in regards to the vending machine besides Covid pandemic happening. But the company soon contacted us and told us that the new vending machine would get delivered to school during the next week, and that is exactly what happened!” – Zura Gigineishvili, vice president of the 10th grade.

The Gazette also interviewed another very important figure to whom the idea of placing vending machines in our school belongs. We interviewed the 10th grade’s president himself, Shoti Sikharulidze, about the snacks that are presented in the vending machine, the refilling process and the future plans. This is what he had to say: “I am very happy that this idea finally came to life. The company from which we got this vending machine provides daily refills of snacks and drinks in case of such need. So, as soon as there is some type of snack fully sold out, it will get refilled. As far as the snacks and specific types of drinks in the vending machine are concerned, they were all chosen by the administration. Our future plan is that, in accordance with the demand, one or two more vending machines will be added to the school cafeteria!”

But as always GZAAT GAZETTE is interested not about the pure facts about the ongoing things but also students’ opinions. The vending machine case is not an exception, and here are thoughts about this topic from an anonymous respondent: “I think it is a great idea that they placed vending machines. It resolves the problem of us starving during the school period which is amazing but it also creates another problem: by the first half of the school day, practically the vending machine is already empty. Another problem is that by the vending machine, there are very long waiting lines which makes it impossible for many students to buy whatever they want. In my opinion at least three vending machines need to be placed for this situation to be resolved. Therefore, it is a very good idea but needs development.”

The vending machine offers many great snacks and drinks for example sandwiches, croissants, chocolate bars, peanuts, potato chips, orange juice, cherry juice and more. And what’s more is that this machine not only accepts cash, as a way of payment, but also a credit card. Without some minor problems, which will of course be resolved, this seems to be the best possible replacement for the cafeteria that we once used to be in and eat. It helps students gain energy and the snacks are in the perfect amounts to be consumed during the small break periods that we have.

Edited By Kato Dadiani

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