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Go Green Club Members Set Up Birdhouses!

“Go Green” is a club consisting of students who want to better the environment. The environment is humanity's greatest resource. Taking care of it should be one of the biggest priorities. Many do not realize the severity of problems such as climate change, air pollution, and extinction of more and more species. The members spread awareness of the countless issues that the Earth is facing. By taking small steps, we can make big changes! The club has many small activities planned that focus on helping the planet.

Recently, “Go Green” held its first meeting. On December 3rd, Friday, the members of the club met after school. With the help of adults, they set up birdhouses on trees around the GZAAT garden. The meeting only lasted a few hours. It was not only educational and helpful but fun as well. If you look closely, you’ll see the different colored birdhouses around the front yard of the school.

Birdhouses provide safety for the birds around our school. In the cold of the winter, birds can rest in the houses warmly. They’re useful and they’re beautiful. This small change is only a step of the many that can help our planet.

Here are some of the club member’s thoughts on their first meeting and overall the club:

“I really enjoyed the 'Go Green' club! At our first meeting we hung birdhouses near our school and had a lot of fun. It's a club that helps the environment and also gives students the opportunity to interact with one another for a good cause!”

- Keti Jabishvili

“I had fun. It was a great experience, and I got to meet some new people. The birdhouses are nice too. They provide safe homes for birds and I personally love and care a lot about all animals.”

- Irinka Mgebrishvili

“I really enjoyed participating in the go green club. At our first meeting we hung the birdhouses on the trees and had so much fun. I think it’s a very good club for the environment and I’m glad that I am able to be a part of it. I hope that we’ll conduct many more interesting projects that will be beneficial.”

- Marisha Machavariani

The club has activities such as this one arranged for the future. If you’re interested, you can check them out on Instagram: @gzaatgreens, on Facebook: “Go Green,” or their website:

Edited by Natalia Rakviashvili

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