The time has come to share my first collection of advice/answers to your questions. If any of you are struggling with something or need an advice, feel free to fill out the forms I’ll be sending out. Yours, Mrs. Asmat.
“To be or not to be?”
That’s the question, my Dear Child.
“How meni steks Pruto souhld get to destry miki mouce adn Gooby?”
Oh, my Dear Lord, I was not able to understand a single word there, because of all the mistakes. And then they say that my generation is bad with technology… Write once more when you’ve figured out how to spell my dear.
“What is the derivative of quantum-relativistic gamma function?”
I’m sorry sweetheart, but I can’t help you with that. Maybe you should consult more qualified people in the school. Guess I should have studied physics huh!
“im having a hard time making friends, idk what to do”
I’m sorry to hear that my dear. I understand that high school can definitely be a tough place for children nowadays. It’s normal for a person to have a hard time navigating their way through high school. I advise you to not stress excessively about making friends and don’t put too much pressure on yourself, since people tend to bond naturally. Just know that there are so many amazing people out there who would love to be your friend and now you already got one in the form of me. Just know I’m here whenever you need me. Best of luck dear!